I am a cheerleader for artists who feel stuck and frustrated with their career, or just need the extra push of inspiration to feel their best self. Whether you need career guidance and direction or audition coaching, my mission is to level-up actors. I grew up watching my family work on Broadway, and at an early age, engaged with the industry. Since then, I've been shaping actors, revamping rep books, encouraging and helping artists get into the audition rooms they deserve to be in, and helping actors elevate and reach career heights they’ve dreamed of reaching. I give clients roadmaps, clear actor strategy, and teach people to treat their career as their own small business (because remember, it IS called show “business"). Most of all, I help actors bring out their “it factor”, nuances, and what makes them ONLY them. 

Spencer Glass

Career Coach for performers on broadway, tv & film, working regionally, and on cruise ships.

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"Spencer is as compassionate as they come. He somehow manages to make me feel safe to express my scary emotions while also motivating me to take brave steps forward in my career.”

—Max Meyers

the craft



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